History and geography exam

As a student with no French diploma whatsoever, I have to sit for a history and geography exam in order to get my CAP (Certificat d’aptitude professionnel) diploma for pastry, which is usually awarded to 16-year-old students of professional high schools.
For me it is a bit ridiculous, especially considering I have got my University degree a few years ago, but to make it more ridiculous this exam is in addition to Physical Education (done), French, and Maths tests (next week). I must be really motivated, uh!
While for Physical Education you don’t really have to study, in History and Geography I was obliged to write two 4-page essays, choosing from a limited set of subjects.
The subjects I chose were:
– Geography – The agro-business in the United States: is it sustainable on the long term?
– History – Evolution of the right of vote: how did the right of vote evolve for women in France?
I must admit I thought this writing thing was a pain, and that’s why I spent a couple of days looking for ready-made essays to download from the Internet.
It was very hard to find something FOR FREE, so I decided to write my own from scratch (as I was supposed to!) and it came out quite well (definitely better than I would have written it when I was 16!), now I feel like a real expert on the right of vote for women in France! 🙂
Last week I handed in my essays and had to sit for an oral exam of 15 minutes: I felt like a reaaaally good student! And my French was just fine! I answered all the questions and I showed I really knew the timeline of the evolution! Thanks Wikipedia!