Officially registered for the pastry state exam
It took me a while to understand how the education system works in France.
I realized that if you want to open a business that makes and sells pastries, you need to pass a state exam, called CAP (Certificate of Professional Skills).
So voilà, the next exam session is in June 2013 and I’m registered!
It is a tough exam, but with some preparation I hope I can make it. I will describe in a future post all the things I need to make for the practical exam.
The CAP is a full exam with tests of several subjects for 16 year-old people in professional schools . I was hoping that my Italian high school diploma had some value here to skip all the non-pastry subjects, but no. Ze French don’t care about my high school, nor University studies.
This just means that I have to sit and pass all the tests like any 16-year-old student:
– French language, history and geography, civic education
– Maths, physics and chemistry
– Physical education (OMG!)
Do you think I remember anything about (French) history or physics? 😛 It’s gonna be touuuugh, but I’m so excited!