The big scary puff pastry – Not so difficult in the end, uh…

I made it!!! I finally made it! Today I feel like the king of puff pastry!
One of the basic pastry elements required for my exam next June is puff pastry. It always scares pastry beginners because understanding how to make it properly is not immediate.
I had tried it four times in the past and always failed (twice I had problems with the butter that was too soft, then the dough was too elastic and difficult to roll out, and last time… well, I forgot the salt).
But fifth time’s the charm, as they say (don’t they?) and now I can proudly say “I can do it!”. And honestly speaking, it’s not that difficult to make it.
Puff pastry is widely used in bakeries to create products such as Napoleons (Mille-feuille), apple turnovers (Chausson aux pommes), fans, tarts, and all sort of savoury pastry you can imagine.
I kept half of the dough for a sweet Mille-feuille and half for the savoury bouchées/vol-au-vent in the picture above. It really made my Sunday lunch! 🙂
(Check out the full recipe with photos)