Recipe: Croissants

You just need to hear the word “croissants” and suddenly you’re mentally transported into a lazy morning in Paris, sitting at the small table of a bistrot with an accordion playing in the background.
Unless you already live in France: in that case you can just find croissants every day at every time and in every single bakery throughout the country! 😛
But… if you don’t live in France and can’t find good croissants anywhere, you now have a way to enjoy one of the best French pastries: just make them at home with this great step-by-step recipe! 🙂
Home-made croissant dough is a bit challenging, but not impossible to make. You just need a bit of patience and some care during the folding process (read the linked article for more details). The rolling of croissant is the most difficult part at the beginning, just keep on practicing!
In this post, I will explain how to portion and shape croissants. I’m not 100% satisfied yet with their looks, but they taste heavenly! 😛
Unfortunately, I find it quite hard to have croissants on a weekday morning because you have to shape them, let them proof for 2 hours at room temperature then let them cool down before eating: way too much time for some guy who always gets up late for work like me! 🙂
The best alternative I found is freezing baked croissants and warming them up for breakfast: it still takes around 30 minutes before I am able to eat them, but at least I can start the day in a sweet way! 🙂
Note: the official solution proposed by my book by Christophe Felder is to freeze the croissants after proofing, but for me the result was not very good… let me know what your preferred solution is!