To become a pastry chef you need to play ping pong
What’s ping pong got to do with pastry?
Nothing, I would say. And I’m sure nobody can find a valid reason why I should pass a Physical Education test in order to get my pastry diploma.
But, alas, rules are rules: the French education system doesn’t recognize any foreign diploma (in the case of professional school exams). I’ve got a high school diploma and a University degree from Italy, but they don’t count.
This means I have to take my pastry school exam as any French 16-y.o. student would do. And this involves tests of French, Maths, History and Geography. And Physical Education of course.
In the Physical Education test, I had to choose 2 sports: among the available ones, gymnastics, badminton and basketball. I have absolutely no clue on how to behave in any of them, so I chose the remaining ones: rescue (in a swimming pool – I can swim!) and table tennis.
Of course I chose those sports because they seemed more feasible for a newbie: until last week I didn’t know anything about them either. 🙂 Now at least I know what to expect at the exam, and it’s damn hard! (More details will come!)
And voilà, tomorrow is the day: the first test of my pastry exam awaits tomorrow at 7.45! Wish me luck!